7300 City Ave Suite 350, Philadelphia, PA 19151.

We're open and seeing patients!

Pediatric dentistry focuses on dealing with the oral health of children from birth through adolescence. Pediatric dentists are skilled at interacting with patients of all ages, and children specifically making it comfortable and easy for both the parents and kids. At Avenue Smiles, we always ensure our patients feel relaxed and welcome and strive to provide the very best care.

Can Pediatric Dentistry Help With Thumb Sucking?

Pediatric dentists provide general care including fixing cavities, managing gum disease, and diagnosing medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes. Visiting our office regularly helps set the tone for good oral hygiene, and helps to create good oral hygiene habits in the future.

Many children tend to suck their thumb for comfort or out of habit when they are young. This habit tends to correct itself between the ages of 2 and 4 years old with positive reinforcement. However, there are some cases where the habit continues beyond this age and problems can occur. Thumb sucking can cause the upper teeth to overlap the lower teeth, or interfere with tooth eruption and jaw growth.

If teeth are cleaned improperly at home or by a non-professional, damage can occur to the enamel. Enamel is extremely durable, and it is hard to chip or damage during cleaning exams. Enamel can wear off if patients suffer from bruxism, or use harsh brushing strokes while brushing their teeth at home. Acidic foods or drinks can also cause erosion to enamel on our teeth.

If you have concerns about the condition of the enamel on your teeth, please let our team know when you schedule your appointment.

When Should you Call a Dentist?

If you notice your child has this problem we are here to help. Regular visits to our office starting at age 1 can allow our team to help teach you and your child effective oral hygiene techniques to prevent tooth decay. We also monitor dental growth, and can assist in giving suggestions to stop thumb sucking. This can avoid expensive treatments or orthodontic visits. During the appointment we typically ask about thumb sucking, and if the child does suck their thumb we can help talk to them about giving up that habit. If needed, an oral appliance can be made called an intraoral tongue crib. This appliance comfortably fits in the child’s mouth, and physically prevents thumb sucking. Typically, this device can help break their habit in a couple months.

Contact Avenue Smiles in Philadelphia

Our team is here to help with all your family’s dental needs, and we enjoy watching our patients grow from children into adults. Our priority is to provide superior care to patients of all ages and ensure each patient is relaxed and comfortable during their appointment. If you are looking for a friendly and gentle dentist for your child’s next appointment we are here to help.

If you are interested in finding out more about pediatric dental care in Philadelphia, PA, contact Avenue Smiles to schedule your pediatric appointment with Dr. Weiner!

Periodontal Disease

In the tissues of the oral cavity, disorders can occur that cause a lack of blood supply, as a result of which the state of the gums, palate – the entire oral cavity changes. Such a disease is called periodontal disease, and there are no inflammatory processes. The patient can detect the initial symptoms on his own, as the habitual state and appearance of the mucosa are violated:

  • Gums lose color saturation, tighten
  • The edge of the tissue at the root decreases, the root is exposed
  • When brushing your teeth bleeding gums
  • Sensitivity of tooth tissue is enhanced

The disease is prone to development against the background of general diseases of the body, including metabolic disorders, endocrine disruptions, problems with the cardiovascular system. Periodontal disease is not a very common disease. According to statistics, 3 to 10 out of 100 people suffer from it. The symptoms of the disease do not immediately become apparent, the process develops over the years, and is chronic. Depending on the degree of exposure of the roots of the teeth and an X-ray, the specialist determines the severity of the disease: mild, moderate, severe.

Why does the disease occur?

An absolute factor for the development of periodontal disease is a general decrease in body functions. In what cases are the most frequently observed signs of periodontal disease:

  • Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, hypertension
  • Trophic disorders of the nervous system
  • Metabolic malfunctions, including problems with the synthesis of protein, bone tissue, as well as osteoporosis
  • Avitaminosis
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

These are the most common causes of periodontal disease. Among local factors, malocclusion is noted. A hereditary factor is considered carriage of macrophage monocyte cells that are capable of producing substances that dissolve bone tissue. There is a scientifically based opinion about the existence of special bacteria that affect the degeneration or destruction of bone tissue.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of periodontal disease can be obvious only with prolonged chronic course of the disease. In the early stages, they do not cause discomfort to a person and do not serve as a reason for contacting a specialist. The manifestation of a certain symptomatic picture depends on the stage of periodontal disease. At different stages of the disease progression, the patient experiences certain anxieties, which manifest themselves in the state of the oral cavity and are obvious to the dentist upon examination.

Just, like general health care, it is essential to take care of your child’s oral hygiene as well. And what better time to start maintaining good oral hygiene than now? Pediatric health care ensures the kid’s primary teeth stay healthy as well as free of decay and other various dental diseases.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene of Kids

Good oral hygiene begins as initial as infancy. Whether you are bottle-feeding or nursing, you have to start incorporating some kind of dental hygiene routine as soon as possible. With a gauze, wet, or a soft washcloth wipe down the gums of your kids, before any new tooth sprouts. Once the teeth start to come in, keep them clean. For making your kids habitual of maintaining oral hygiene, using the correct set of tools is important. For instance, it is essential to buy a toothbrush, which is specially designed for babies, that will have a tiny head for your kid’s tiny mouth.

Why is Pediatric Dental Health Essential
Source https://bit.ly/31zrxO6

When your kid turns two years old, you need to take them on their very first dental visit in order to maintain good oral hygiene. Your pediatric dentist will examine if your child’s teeth are healthy or not, in case of any food debris that might be stuck in your kid’s teeth or plaque buildup. The dentist will remove it. Taking your child for a dental checkup is extremely important because it keeps the bacteria from continuing to grow, which may lead to other dental diseases such as inflammation of the gums or tooth decay and many more.

Making a habit of regular visits to your pediatric dentist is a fun adventure that always offers some kind of tooth-friendly rewards.

Some Tips from Experts

An expert pediatric dentist will give you the right tips about taking care of your kid’s teeth at home. The basic pieces of advice typically depend on the way of brushing or flossing your kid’s teeth. In addition, they will provide you other informative tips on the specific condition of the kid’s teeth.

Another important issue that will be addressed is the eating habits of your kids. The majority of the parents are tensed about what they should do in order to help or protect their kid’s gums and teeth. As a general piece of advice, parents must stay away from foods that are rich in starch and sugar. Besides this, make sure that your kids should never go to sleep while breastfeeding or drinking juice and milk in their bottle.

Your child’s primary teeth are immensely important. Developmental of oral hygiene routines that are imperative to your kid’s future dental health depends on them. In order to maintain good oral hygiene, you need to visit your pediatric dentist.