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What do you need to know about Periodontal diseases?

 People today are not aware of the dangers bleeding gums pose to their overall health. By neglecting the health of their gums, they are putting their health at risk People today are not aware of the dangers bleeding gums pose to their overall health. By neglecting the health of their gums, they are putting their health at risk. Inflammation in the gums with bleeding are signs of a deep-rooted problem. People must understand that periodontal disease can turn into a complex oral health issue if one delays the treatment. Starting with inflammation and bleeding, the gum disease can affect the supporting bones of the teeth and result in the loss of a tooth. Therefore, people need to address the problem before the diseases get worse and out of control. There are three stages of periodontal disease. Starting from the mild gingivitis, it progresses from periodontitis to advanced periodontitis, which is the severest form of periodontal disease. After the third stage, you will be at risk of losing your teeth.

Signs and Symptoms

Gum disease is painless, and many people disregard the problem due to this very reason. If the problem is not painful, it is not serious. The signs and symptoms of periodontal disease include swelling in gums, bleeding from gums when brushing and flossing, receding gums, persistent bad breath, and accumulation of puss around the teeth. If you observe any of the following signs, you should opt for professional help.



Causes of Periodontal Disease

The most significant cause of periodontal disease is the accumulation of plaque. The sticky substance that covers your teeth after you brush your teeth is plaque. Even though it protects your teeth from bacteria but not cleaning plaque can damage your teeth and gums in the form of tartar. When the plaque on your teeth hardens, it becomes tartar, which can only be removed by a professional dentist. It does not go away by regular brushing or flossing.

The tartar can damage the gums and even loosen the teeth as it affects the alveolar bone that holds your teeth firmly in place. Even if you are a victim of gingivitis, the initial stage of periodontal disease, you must visit a dentist at your earliest. Not doing so will negatively impact your oral health, which deteriorates your overall health!   

First Aid for Acute Toothache

If we are talking about severe tooth pain, you simply can’t postpone going to the doctor at all.

If you have problems with your teeth, the first thing you need to do is pay a visit to the dentist. If you have severe pain, then it is completely impossible to postpone the trip to the doctor. However, sometimes a situation occurs when a tooth hurts, but there is no way to visit a doctor at the moment. In this case, you can try to relieve the pain in order to hold out until you can visit a doctor.

Reasons and consequences

There are many reasons for the occurrence of pain, and all possible reasons can’t be listed. In addition, only a dentist makes a diagnosis – he prescribes adequate treatment. Diagnosing yourself will be wrong. Toothache is only a signal that a disease is developing in the tooth. By eliminating the pain, you will only get rid of the signal, but the cause of this pain will not go away until you see a doctor. The more the disease is ignored, the more difficult it is to get rid of the consequences: deep caries will turn into pulpitis, and that will develop into periodontitis. Therefore, visit the dentist as soon as possible, and before that you can relieve pain with the help of medicines or folk remedies.

Health Care

Look for analgesics in your medicine cabinet that help reduce discomfort. First of all, you can go for analgin, citramon, nurofen, ketorol and the like. The desired dose is taken according to the instructions. When taking pills, they are washed down with clean drinking water. Do not forget about hygiene – reduce food intake and rinse your mouth with water after eating.

If a child has a toothache

Be careful if a child complains of toothache – do not give him adult painkillers. They are not designed for the child’s body and can cause obvious or hidden harm. If you can’t do without a pill, give preference to specialized drugs – for example, children’s nurofen. But it’s better to hurry to the dentist as soon as possible. It’s possible to suppress the cause of pain even in the bud, preventing it from developing into a more serious disease.

If the child is 6 to 9 months old, then the pain may be associated with teething. This is a natural process, so don’t be afraid of it. To alleviate the condition of the baby, use a special gel with a cooling effect. Follow the oral hygiene and the teeth of the child should be fine.